
William Bao Bean /SOS Venture合夥人、MOX董事總經理

William Bao Bean is a General Partner at SOSV and the Managing Director of Chinaccelerator, China’s first startup accelerator based in Shanghai. A prominent practitioner, innovator and thought leader on tech investing in Asia, he founded MOX, SOSV’s Mobile-Only Accelerator, in partnership with GMobi, the largest mobile platform for Southest Asia and India. In addition to his work at SOSV, William is an active angel investor with 39 investments between 2004 and 2014.

SOSV began supplying startups with rocket fuel 20 years ago. SOSV are now a global fund with $300M assets under management and a staff of nearly 80 operating world-renowned accelerators in the areas of hardware, software, biology, food, robotics, medical devices, transportation, green energy, and beyond. SOSV have over 500 companies in our portfolio, and every year SOSV graduate more than 150 startups from SOSV accelerator programs.



陳彥宇 /安盛生科iXensor 共同創辦人兼技術長

2012年與STB計畫另兩位成員-Alan及Jerry於矽谷成立安盛生科(iXensor),並擔任技術長。Carson Chen於台大電機取得博士及學士學位,並先後於麻省理工學院、加州理工學院及史丹福大學從事訪問研究。參與創辦多家醫材新創及創投,熟悉生醫產業動態、並與國際醫材創業社群建立了良好的合作夥伴關係



徐旻宏 /飛立威Flexwave 共同創辦人兼總經理

飛立威Flexwave共同創辦人,負責飛立威的商業開發。曾在英國博士班時期參與歐盟FP7新世代太陽能電池研究計畫,具有10年以上太陽能電池量產製造與研究經驗。曾代表飛立威贏得數座獎項,包含法國VIVA Tech Engie挑戰賽、APICTA永續應用銀獎、TIEC新創媒合賽首獎




池明洋 /奧索AstralNet 共同創辦人兼技術長

奧索 AstralNet 共同創辦人、軟體工程師、業餘棒球員、密碼學愛好者。曾做過破解密碼系統、遠距醫療、旅遊 APP、監控攝影機、智慧家庭等。經歷多款應用,深知物聯網的安全問題,而立志守護物聯網的和平