活動議程 | TTA五週年系列論壇 | IEK產業情報網



TTA 5th Anniversary Forum 2

國際論壇:科技新創Scale up & Go Global!

International Symposium:

Tech Startup: Scale up & Go Global!




Event Description:

This forum invites globally renowned experts from the technology hardware and software industries to share how chip innovation propels technological advancements in Taiwan's industries. From an international perspective, explores the future prospects for success in technology startups, and engaging in discussions on how Taiwanese startups can expand their presence on the global stage.


09/11 星期一

02  [TTA五週年論壇2 (TTA 5th Anniversary Forum 2)]
場地:台北君悅酒店3樓凱悅廳 (臺北市信義區松壽路2號)


時間 分項議程 講師
專題演講:IC新創成功scale up的策略 – 培養獨角獸DNA (Keynote Speech: IC Startup Success Scale up Strategy - Cultivating Unicorn DNA) (TBC) Sudeepto Roy /Qualcomm QTL工程副總裁(Vice President of Engineering at Qualcomm Technology Licensing)
專題演講:科技新創走向國際舞台的戰略布局(Keynote Speech: IC Startups Strategic Layout towards the International Stage) (TBC) 俞寧寧 (Ning-Ning Yu) /Taboola 研發副總裁(Vice President of Research and Development of Taboola)
綜合座談:科技新創Scale up & Go Global的機會與挑戰 (Panel Discussion: The Opportunities and Challenges of Tech Startups Scaling Up and Going Global) 主持人(Moderator):
林守德 (Shou-De Lin) /Appier首席機器學習科學家 (Chief Machine Learning Scientist of Appier)velopment of Taboola)
Sudeepto Roy /Qualcomm QTL工程副總裁(Vice President of Engineering at Qualcomm Technology Licensing)
俞寧寧(Ning-Ning Yu) /Taboola 研發副總裁(Vice President of Research and Development of Taboola)
許有進 (Yu-Chin Hsu) /核桃運算公司董事長 (Chairman of BigObject Inc.)
唐文力 (Luba Tang) /Skymizer共同創辦人兼執行長(Co-founder and CEO of Skymizer Inc.)
  • 註:
    1. 主辦單位保有修改、變更活動之權利。
    2. 活動以英文進行。
  • Note:
    1. The organizer reserves the right to modify and change the event. 
    2. The event will be conducted in English.