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現職 Present Position
工業技術研究院 董事長
Chairman, Industrial Technology Research
Institute, ROC
新菱創業投資股份有限公司 董事長
Chairman, Golden Asia Fund Taiwan Ltd. -
亞東關係協會 科技交流委員會 主任委員
Chairman, Science and Technology Interchange Committee, Association of East Asia -
國立中央大學 科技政策講座教授
Chair Professor, National Central University, ROC
學歷 Education
國立台灣大學 理學士
B.S. in Meteorology, National Taiwan University, ROC -
美國猶他大學 博士
Ph. D. in Meteorology, University of Utah, USA -
美國哈佛大學 博士後研究
Postdoctor Fellow , Harvard University
經歷 Experience
總統府 國策顧問
National Policy Advisor to the President, ROC -
台日產業技術合作促進會 理事長
Chairman, Association for Taiwan-Japan Cooperation on Industrial Technology, ROC -
國立交通大學 講座教授
Chair Professor, National Chiao Tung University, ROC -
行政院 政務委員兼科技顧問組副召集人
Minister of State, Executive Yuan & Convener, Science and Technology Advisory Group, ROC -
國科會 副主任委員
Vice Chairman, National Science Council, ROC -
交通部民用航空局 局長
Director General, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, ROC -
交通部中央氣象局 局長
Director General, Central Weather Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, ROC -
國立台灣大學 大氣科學系教授、系、所主任
Professor & Director, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University, ROC
榮譽 Honor
2013年 國立中央大學名譽博士
Doctor of Science Honoris Causa, National Central University (2013) -
2001年 中華民國氣象學會第一屆「會士」
Fellow, Meteorological Society of R.O.C. (2001) -
1999年 美國氣象學會(American Meteorological Society)「Fellow」
Fellow, American Meteorological Society (1999)
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蘇孟宗 / Stephen Su
現職 Present Position
General Director, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEK) of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) -
Chairman of Committee on Regulations and Standards, Cloud Computing Association in Taiwan (CCAT) -
Executive Director, Asia Pacific Industrial Analysts Association (APIAA)
學歷 Education
Kellogg MBA MBA from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA -
美國加州理工學院 電子碩士
Electrical Engineering MSc from California Institute of Technology, USA -
美國柏克萊加州大學 電子及電腦學士
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BSc from UC Berkeley, USA
蘇孟宗(Stephen Su),現任工研院產業經濟與趨勢研究中心(IEK)主任,企業管理及電子雙碩士,長期於資通訊大廠及國際知名企管顧問公司服務,具豐富的製造業、國際企業管理顧問服務經驗。熟稔電子資通訊產業及健康照護等產業,對於我國產業發展策略及服務型應用生態體系之導入有精闢之見解,同時兼任台灣雲端運算產業協會(CCAT)法規標準委員會主任委員及台灣亞太產業分析專業協進會(APIAA)常務理事,積極從事我國資通訊產業整體發展與標準之推動,以及顧問服務業人才之發展與能量之提升。
加入工研院前,為德國羅蘭貝格諮詢管理顧問(Roland Berger Strategy Consultants)中國大陸分公司執行總監,在此之前歷任台灣致伸科技手機產品事業部資深協理、美國波士頓企管顧問公司(Boston Consulting Group, BCG)經理、及美國摩托羅拉(Motorola)半導體部門工程師。擁有電源控制線路及手機應用技術多項專利,並擁有豐富的國際企業管理與顧問服務經驗,擅長商業策略、組織變革、流程再造、市場行銷,長期耕耘於台灣及中國大陸與東南亞地區市場。美國柏克萊大學電機與電腦學士,美國西北大學Kellogg商學院企業管理與美國加州理工學院電子雙碩士,美國哈佛商學院與中國大陸清華大學經濟管理學院、上海中歐國際工商學院合開之EMBA,美國Thunderbird商學院與印第安納大學商學院合辦之EMBA。
Stephen Su is the General Director of Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEK) in Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), currently in charge of market research in industry economic and technology trends over a wide range of high-tech and traditional industries. Prior to that, he was a Principal in Roland Berger Strategy Consultants based in Shanghai. He served as a Senior Director in charge of mobile phone accessory business division for Primax Electronics based in Taipei. Upon returning to Asia in 1994, he assumed the role of Project Leader in Boston Consulting Group (BCG) based in Hong Kong. Starting in US, he was an Applications Engineer in the Semiconductor Group of Motorola based in Phoenix. His professional specialties include Strategy, Performance Improvement, Changing of Organization, Business Process Redesign, and Marketing. Stephen received BSc in Electronic/Computer Engineering from UC Berkeley, MSc in Electronics from California Institute of Technology, and MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
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簡立峰博士 / Dr. Chien Lee-Feng
現職 Present Position
- Google 台灣董事總經理 Managing Director of Google Taiwan
- Chrome亞太區產品系列負責人
在加入Google之前,簡立峰博士自1993年起,即任職於中央研究院資訊科學研究所,曾擔任所研究員及副所長,1993年起與台大電機系李琳山教授一同發表金聲系列國語語音聽寫機,為國際上最早成功開發出中文語音辨認系統團隊之一,1995年發展智慧型中文檢索系統Csmart,成為首位在ACM SIGIR發表搜尋技術論文的華人,1999年李開復博士創立微軟中國研究院(現為微軟亞洲研究院),他受邀擔任中文語言語音處理技術顧問,指導過眾多中國大陸頂尖軟體人才。2002年起與台灣大學資管系合聘為專任教授,培育過不少台灣優秀青年,多人現任教國內著名大學與國際重要搜尋引擎公司擔任重要技術專家。他在2003年起也擔任數位典藏國家型計畫技術分項主持人,對台灣數位典藏發展投入甚深。
Dr. Chien, as Manager Director of Google Taiwan, leads all the operation and development of Google Taiwan and Engineering Research & Development Center in Taiwan & HK, and helps oversee R&D program for the Greater China region in Beijing. Dr. Chien is also known internationally for his work on Chinese data processing, has researched Chinese parsing systems, language models, dictation machines, and search engineering technology for many years.
Before joining Google, from 1993 Dr. Chien worked at the Academia Sinica Institute of Information Science, where he served as a researcher and director of the network information retrieval laboratory. He concurrently served as a contract professor in the Department of Data Management at National Taiwan University and a technical consultant to Microsoft Asia's research institute.
Dr. Chien has published over 100 honorable papers in data search and Chinese data processing. Dr. Chien is also one of the founders of the Asia Information Search Conference. He was also one of the co-chairs of the 2005 International Conference on Human Language Technology.
Dr. Chien was born in Taiwan and received a Ph.D. in computer engineering from National Taiwan University in 1991. He received the K.T. Li Young Researcher Award from the Taiwan branch of ACM in 1997, underscoring his contribution to Chinese data search technology. He was awarded the ACM SIGIR Best Poster Presentation Award in Melbourne Australia during the next year.
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現職 Present Position
Regional Vice President and Taiwan General Manager at STMicroelectronics’ Greater China and South Asia Region. -
Vice Chairman of European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan
Giuseppe Izzo is Regional Vice President and Taiwan General Manager at STMicroelectronics’ Greater China and South Asia Region.
Izzo joined SGS-Thomson Microelectronics (now STMicroelectronics) in 1987 and shortly thereafter relocated to Asia, living and working in many different Countries, from Korea to Taiwan, to Hong Kong to China. He has held various positions within ST’s Asia Pacific organization, covering marketing, application development and product design for power management, consumer and computer systems, automotive, and multi-segment products. Izzo established ST’s Automotive and Multi-Systems Competence Centers in Shanghai and Power Management Competence Center in Taiwan, contributing to the Company’s success in power management solutions for PC motherboards and building its presence in the car body and power train arenas, as well as the digital audio markets in Asia Pacific.
Starting 1991, Izzo has been working in Taiwan where he has intermittently lived for about 15 years. He is married with a Taiwanese lady, with two children.
For the year 2013 and 2014 Izzo served as the Chairman of the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT). And in 2015, Izzo is serving as the Vice Chairman of ECCT.
Giuseppe Izzo was born in Caserta, Italy, in 1958 and graduated with a degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples, Italy.
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闕志克 / Tzi-cker Chiueh
現職 Present Position
工研院資訊與通訊研究所 所長
Vice President and General Director, Information and Communications Research Laboratories,ITRI -
台灣雲端運算產業協會 秘書長
Secretary General, Cloud Computing Association in Taiwan -
紐約Story Brook大學計算科學研究所教授
Professor, Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University
學歷 Education
PhD in Computer Science , University of California at Berkeley, 1992
Prof. Chiueh is the Vice President and General Director of Information and Communications Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, and a professor of Computer Science department, Stony Brook University, New York. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California at Berkeley, and served as the director of Core Research in Symantec Research Labs between 2007 and 2009.
Dr. Chiueh has published over 200 technical papers in refereed conferences and journals. His current research interest lies in computer security, storage systems and wireless networking.
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事業群總經理 洪廣禮 / Ricky Hung
現職 Present Position
- 一零四資訊科技股份有限公司 人力銀行事業群總經理
學歷 Education
- 台灣大學 EMBA 碩士
經歷 Experience
- 104人力銀行事業群 資深副總經理
- 台灣惠普 應用服務事業群 總經理
- 美商電資系統 台灣區總經理
- 美商優利系統 副總經理
洪廣禮畢業於國立成功大學電機工程學系,並擁有台灣大學 EMBA 商學碩士學位,現任104人力銀行事業群總經理,負責人力銀行網路求才求職相關的行銷擴展與業務營運等管理事務。
在2010年11月加入104人力銀行之前,洪廣禮曾在資訊科技與服務產業任職長達十九年,期間先後擔任外商資訊公司的高階主管。自1993年起服務於美商優利系統(Unisys)服務達11年,從基層業務人員晉升至業務總監以及諮詢顧問副總經理。2007年初加入美商電資系統(EDS) ,擔任客戶營運副總經理,負責EDS在台灣地區的所有客戶營運服務及維持客戶滿意度。2007年底升任EDS台灣區總經理,負責整體營運績效、市場拓展與客戶管理。於2008年9月EDS與美商惠普公司(HP)合併之後,先後擔任HP電資事業群總經理與企業應用系統服務處總經理,負責掌管HP企業服務的日常營運、業務擴展與技術實施,並且成功帶領HP服務團隊走過金融海嘯與企業併購的艱困時刻,為HP日後的成功轉型奠定基石。
Ricky Hung serves as General Manager of 104 Job Bank. He takes charge of overall operations of Job Board Division, including sales marketing, product development and engineering production, for job seekers and recruiters on the internet. Under his leadership, Job Board Division has steady growth by means of strategies deployed and productivity enhanced.
Prior to 104, Mr. Hung worked for EDS as President of Taiwan subsidiary since 2007. He looked after overall service delivery and client satisfaction in terms of Application and IT Outsourcing services. He was assigned as General Manager of Application Service for business development and implementation service after the merger with HP in 2009. During the tenor, he managed the team through the difficulties of financial tsunami and the company merger transition.
Mr. Hung has 19 years of marketing and sales experience focusing on banking, telecom, public sector and high-tech industries. Previously, he worked with several leading IT multinational companies, including Unisys, Atos Origin, IBM, etc. He has pursued a successful career in managing client service delivery and developing new business projects into sustainable operations with proven records.
Mr. Hung enjoyed more than 10 years’ consulting experiences in customer contact centers, relationship management models and business process management to transform enterprises into efficient and customer centric organizations by leveraging business strategy, company culture and technology innovation. Mr. Hung also indulged in IT service and business outsourcing helping enterprises to reduce capital spending, maintain operation flexibility and focus on core business.
Mr. Hung holds a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from National Cheng-Kung University as well as EMBA degree in Business Administration from National Taiwan University.
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